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Unboxing and Specifications

Setting up the LingoGet on iOS

Setting up the LingoGet on Android

Using the LingoGet App and Device

Troubleshooting - Sounds Too Low (Android)

Troubleshooting - Sounds Too Low (iOS)

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Liquid error: 822: unexpected token at '{ "url": "/en/support/solutions/folders/155000000044", "class": "fw-heading d-flex", "content": "<div class='card fw-card-display'><img src="" alt="icon"> Order Issues</div>", "other_attributes": [{ "key":"role", "value":"heading" }] } '
Liquid error: 822: unexpected token at '{ "url": "/en/support/solutions/folders/155000000045", "class": "fw-heading d-flex", "content": "<div class='card fw-card-display'><img src="" alt="icon"> LingoGet Questions</div>", "other_attributes": [{ "key":"role", "value":"heading" }] } '
Liquid error: 822: unexpected token at '{ "url": "/en/support/solutions/folders/155000000046", "class": "fw-heading d-flex", "content": "<div class='card fw-card-display'><img src="" alt="icon"> Order and Delivery Status</div>", "other_attributes": [{ "key":"role", "value":"heading" }] } '
Liquid error: 822: unexpected token at '{ "url": "/en/support/solutions/folders/155000000047", "class": "fw-heading d-flex", "content": "<div class='card fw-card-display'><img src="" alt="icon"> Returns, Claims, and Warranty</div>", "other_attributes": [{ "key":"role", "value":"heading" }] } '